Photography Journal RSS

East Beach Aerials

My drone had been out of commission for the better part of the past two months.  What I considered a small fix turned into a bit of a fiasco with 3DR. Long story short, I just needed a small hardware adjustment to a loose piece in my controller, but I had to send my entire kit back as one unit, and that unit was delivered to their California location, but they could never find it to service it,...

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Marsh Restoration with Save the Bay

Winter might seem like the opposite of a busy season, but for some it's the peak for activity.  This is true for any farmer, grower, or other dirt digger who rests during the summer growing season and goes all-in during the winter and spring.  I had the opportunity to join Save the Bay once again during their marsh restoration, this time down in Weekapaug where they were helping restore water...

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Yoga Tune Up with Jessie

Remember when I mentioned I had a new favorite yoga class?  Well this is Jessie demonstrating the wonderful Yoga Tune Up method for targeted deep tissue massage and therapy.  It's not as much yoga as it is self-massage.  These therapy balls come in different densities and sizes, and when used to target stress and trigger points, they can do wonders for tension in the body.  Jessie teaches at Laugh...

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Horses on the Beach

A couple weeks ago I had the unique opportunity from another photographer to join her and her husband at Narragansett Beach with their dogs and their horses!  Brian and Katleen Reid run Horses Know the Way Home, connecting people with their inner horse power by introducing them to their Shire, Brenda Lee, and their Friesian, Kylian.   We had so much fun on the beach, as the horses romped and swam....

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Yoga with Jessie

Last month I had the pleasure of going to the beach!  Well, it wasn't a typical beach day.  It was cold. It was windy.  But I was there with a new friend to photograph some yoga, and while fall foliage was in short supply, we went to plan B and photographed at the beach.  It was raw and elemental, and we loved every minute of it! Jessieis a yoga instructor and nutritionist. She also teaches Yoga...

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