Well that seemed short... No sooner did the wind and cold of winter depart then the spring sailing season was over! I made it out on the water for two practices with the NK sailing team. Watching these kids improve over the years and continue to enjoy the sport is always worth the visit!
This practice in particular was in mid-May as the temperature tried to hold at comfortably mild and the sun peaked in and out of the clouds all afternoon. The wind started to kick up and made for some spirited practice races. Just about all of the team was in attendance plus a special guest coach, Mike Marshall of North Sails. Lyle was the team coach this year, and he, Mike and myself all sailed together on the NK Sailing team back in 2005–2007. Actually, we aren't the only alumni from that championship era to visit the team, but just a few of the many NK sailing alumni that still reside in the area. It's always a treat when the new faces of junior sailing can meet the generations of sailors that helped pave the way. While it's been almost 10 years since we were in these kids' shoes, we all don't feel that old yet and sometimes, just for a moment, it feels like it could've been just yesterday.
See all the shots in the NK Practice 2016 Gallery

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