Photography Journal — narragansett bay RSS

Wed Night Racing - Breezy this time

Finally made it back out on the water again! After a two week absence due to my busy busy shooting schedule, I finally made it back out for Wednesday Night Racing. And this time, there was some breeze! Compared to the very light conditions the past two times I made it to racing, this night had a decent sea breeze, probably about 12 knots at times. Everyone was bracing for stronger breeze and...

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Accepted Work: Art of the Ocean State

Wickford was very busy this past weekend with it's annual Art Festival. I did not get a chance to go this year, but it was probably overflowing with great talent and enthusiastic crowds as usual! The Wickford Art Association, the hosting party, also held a call for entry for it's summer show "Art of the Ocean State", which I eagerly submitted work for. I'm happy to report that all three of my...

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Tall Ships in Newport

Just one great event after another this summer! The America's Cup in town, and now the Tall Ships just after the Fourth of July. That's right, the Tall Ships Festival was in Newport this past weekend, and certainly made it difficult to get to downtown Newport within a reasonable time frame. The streets were packed with families, visitors and even locals checking out the festivities and old ships...

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Holgas: Newport Bermuda

For anyone who follows me on Facebook (, I recently promised a glimpse into the world of Holga since I got film back from the developers. Two rolls of black and white (one that had been sitting around for about a month), and three rolls of color. I have to say having the America's Cup in town thoroughly directed my full attention and focus over the past...

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Another Wednesday Night

Wednesday Night Racing out of Wickford Harbor!  I look forward to this gathering of friends, family, and sailors just about every week!  Compared to the previous week of heavy fog, this evening proved to be gorgeous with a wonderfully golden sun and a light breeze.  I was out sailing on Papaagain with my parents and some friends. We didn't have the best start, but held as much of our position as...

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