Flooding in Scituate. Massive erosion in Nauset. Heavy winds and power outages across the region. Waves in Rhody. That's what Winter Storm Riley brought to southern New England when it came roaring through during the first days of March.
The storm hit Rhode Island on a Friday, lingered through Saturday with overcast skies, rain sprinkles, and high winds. By Monday, the skies were clear, the light turned golden for sunset, and the waves were still around! The swell that greeted Rhode Island stretched all the way down to New Jersey in the mid atlantic, and lingered for about a week before subsiding. I was exploring the southern shores of RI on Friday and Monday to photograph the heavy waves pounding the beaches, as surfers struggled against the high winds, searching for barrels in the overhead waves. Take a look below, and see more under Recent Work!

The storm hit Rhode Island on a Friday, lingered through Saturday with overcast skies, rain sprinkles, and high winds. By Monday, the skies were clear, the light turned golden for sunset, and the waves were still around! The swell that greeted Rhode Island stretched all the way down to New Jersey in the mid atlantic, and lingered for about a week before subsiding. I was exploring the southern shores of RI on Friday and Monday to photograph the heavy waves pounding the beaches, as surfers struggled against the high winds, searching for barrels in the overhead waves. Take a look below, and see more under Recent Work!

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