I can't get enough of young kids enjoying sailing! I can't get enough of being outside on a sunny day. While I missed the first two weeks of Junior Sailing, which started abruptly the Monday after school finished for most of these kids, I was able to get my act in order for Week 3 of the Wickford Junior Sailing program.
The program has a new structure this year, offering one week classes alongside two week or four week sessions for the beginners. It's a new opportunity for the kids with busy schedules to get as much time on the water as possible before they're off on family vacations, soccer camps, or just something else to fit into the all-too-short summer season! (While this new trend is greatly welcomed and accommodating to so many families, and I must embrace the opportunity to introduce sailing to so many new young people, I want to share this food for thought on the importance of boredom)
Here are some of my favorite shots from Week 3, but more will be uploaded to the gallery as the summer marches on!

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