Photography Journal — wickford RSS

Summers with WSA

I can't get enough of young kids enjoying sailing!  I can't get enough of being outside on a sunny day.  While I missed the first two weeks of Junior Sailing, which started abruptly the Monday after school finished for most of these kids, I was able to get my act in order for Week 3 of the Wickford Junior Sailing program.  The program has a new structure this year, offering one week classes...

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Wickford Catboats

There seems to be no shortage of beautiful sunny summer evenings this year!  The storms are few and far between, and we're left with light breezes, sun, and nothing too hot thus far.  I guess these are those taxpayer nights, when living in this state is more than justified but an absolute dream!I was out with the catboat fleet for the second season in a row, and hopped aboard a fellow WYC member...

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Wickford Doors in Spring

I've been working on a series over the past couple years reflecting on the historic aesthetic of Wickford. I'm not the first artist to be intrigued by doorways. Some artists focus on this motif because of its symbolism as a gateway, a threshold that must be crossed before we pass into another world. Some enjoy the different nuances in architecture and décor. For myself it was a bit of the latter,...

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Wickford Doors - Summer Series

I've been shooting Wickford Doors for over a year now, determined to capture the picturesque historic entryways in every season.  While I still have Spring left to shoot, I started printing sets of the doors last year. After their success, particularly the Autumn #1 series, I decided to put together additional sets for Autumn, winter, and two for Summer! I'm partial to the first summer set and...

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Yoga in the Woods

Just days before my trip to Block Island, I managed to get a second yoga shoot in before the cold weather.  I had ambitious plans at the beginning of the summer season that quickly slipped away as the days melted from one week to the next.  But with a little determination I found time to work with a good family friend in the back woods of Wickford for another fun yoga shoot!These photos are from...

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