Photography Journal RSS

Photographer's FAQ: Lenses

So I've talked about what cameras I use, but there's another component to my equipment.What lenses do you use?I have a camera kit that currently employs all Nikon Nikkor brand lenses. I figure if I'm going to buy glass, I should get the best kind I can, take care of it, and pay for it once. There are other good off-brand lenses out there such as Tamron and Sigma, but like I said, I just went for...

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Block's North Light

As part of my recent trip to Block Island with Profundo Journeys, we had several early morning shoots to make the most of our short four day workshop. First up was a sunrise shoot at North Light out on a spit of beach that protrudes northward towards the mainland. Between Southeast Light, tall and covered in red brick, and solitary North Light tucked out of sight with it's smaller building and...

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Photographer's FAQ: What is it you do? Pt. 2

So continuing from last week's discussion about what I actually do (Read Pt. 1 here), here are two more big questions that I get asked all the time as a photographer.Can you teach me?Absolutely! I pride myself as a private instructor in everything from the camera to the computer. I can help you with basic camera principles, the technical aspects of shooting, creative vision and effective...

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Sail away on the Block Island Ferry

I recently made a trip to Block Island as part of a Profundo Journeysphotography workshop hosted by Cindy Wilson & Eileen Muldoon. It was a great group of twelve and we spent four days and three nights on the island. Cindy has a lot of local knowledge and we were able to get about three photoshoots in each day. Between sunrise shoots starting at 6am, afternoon hikes around the island, and sunset...

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Photographer's FAQ: What is it you do? Pt. 1

More from your new blog segment.... Photographer's FAQ!  This discussion:  What I actually do with my time and how it all works.  Featuring the simple as well as the complicated answers.  First question:What is it you do?I am a photographer.  I take pictures for a living. Photographer comes from "photo" meaning "light" and "graph" meaning "to draw", so you put it all together and I am one who...

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