Photography Journal — Wednesday Night Racing RSS

Wednesday Races 5 & 6

Between a heat wave and week of rain, races 5 and 6 proved to be fair weather and not so fair weather for our Wednesday Night Races.Race 5 saw a bunch of breeze & white caps, helping to cool everyone off from the extreme heat. The breeze filled completely by the second half of the race, and we finished second across the line with the J24 just a nose behind in third place! The Sailing Association...

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WYC: Races 3 and 4

Week 3 of competition at Wickford Wednesday Night Racing was a much lighter air race.  A beautiful evening on the water and our usual but still stupendous golden dusk light...  But light air is not a friend for Papa, our heavy water/fuel/amenities laden Nonsuch 30.  We didn't have the prettiest start, which forced us to a side of the course we tried to do our best with, but we finished second to...

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Wednesday Night Racing

Another season underway!  For those of us who live in the West Bay, and sail, the popular summer series run by Wickford Yacht Club is Wednesday Night Racing, happening just about every Wednesday night from Memorial Day to Labor Day. It's a fun laid back group of boats sailing anywhere between Wickford Harbor, the Jamestown Bridge, the North End (Jamestown), and Quonset Point. And we all follow the...

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Wednesday Night Sailing Draws to a Close

We've been pretty lucky all summer with regards to weather.  Overall it's been dry and comfortably warm.  I'm having a hard time recalling any nights it was too hot to get to sleep, or too many days it was blisteringly hot.  We've had strings of thunderstorms, true, but still I would say it's been really dry (as I think back to the wettest summer on record a few years back).Wednesday Night Racing...

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Wed Night Racing - Breezy this time

Finally made it back out on the water again! After a two week absence due to my busy busy shooting schedule, I finally made it back out for Wednesday Night Racing. And this time, there was some breeze! Compared to the very light conditions the past two times I made it to racing, this night had a decent sea breeze, probably about 12 knots at times. Everyone was bracing for stronger breeze and...

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