This was my fourth year shooting the Wickford Regatta. I couldn't believe that it had been that long, and that I was able to revisit this one event so consistently! It was a unique year for this regatta as well. Saturday was overcast and rainy, with threat of a squall rolling through that afternoon. I wasn't in attendance for Day One, but both Alpha and Bravo circles completed a race or two in the...
More drones! It's hard enough to find time to go shoot for myself, but with my new aerial drone system I need extra time dedicated to flying practice, too. I had a rather busy day at the end of April and I just neededto get outside and go shooting. It was 5:30pm and with sunset so late these days I had plenty of time to get a kit together and make it to the beach. I turned from my DSLR camera...
I didn't grow up calling myself an environmentalist. That's a word you learn later in life. When I was a kid it just seemed like the right thing to do, to care about living things and nature because without them we don't have a healthy place to live, no food, and no outdoor spaces to enjoy.When it comes to photography, I had been thinking of expanding into environmental work. I wanted to feel...
Well that seemed short... No sooner did the wind and cold of winter depart then the spring sailing season was over! I made it out on the water for two practices with the NK sailing team. Watching these kids improve over the years and continue to enjoy the sport is always worth the visit!This practice in particular was in mid-May as the temperature tried to hold at comfortably mild and the sun...
I've been working on a series over the past couple years reflecting on the historic aesthetic of Wickford. I'm not the first artist to be intrigued by doorways. Some artists focus on this motif because of its symbolism as a gateway, a threshold that must be crossed before we pass into another world. Some enjoy the different nuances in architecture and décor. For myself it was a bit of the latter,...