NK vs. Prout Regatta

I've been looking forward to getting out on the water now that winter has moved on.  Of course, the first day I do get out the weather was much more winter-like than spring-like!  About 45 degrees but a very cold westerly wind made for a chilly day.  I went out with the North Kingstown High School Sailing Team for a home regatta against Prout.  It was a team race, 3 vs. 3, and NK came out on top!  With gusts rolling through it was a breezy day for the sailors (as my last image attests to!) but it was great to see some familiar faces and get some sailing shots.  

These were captured from the finish boat with my long 70-200mm lens and 2x teleconverter.  Took my new D600 out for its first run with action photography, and it performed perfectly!

All photos are up at www.catebrownphoto.com.  Sailors, friends and family are welcome to purchase Personal Prints and Personal Downloads from the regatta Viewing Gallery.  Any questions, please feel free to ask!

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