Photography Journal — lighthouse RSS

Isaac & Leslie Storm Swell

It was about the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Irene, and after some talk of another storm reaching New England, we didn't get any real stormy weather but we did get the first storm swell of the season! Surfers took to the water as Hurricane Isaace and Leslie kicked up some surf early September. I went down to Narragansett Beach for the remnants of Isaac's swell, and then to Point Judith...

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WYC Cruise: First Stop, Dutch Harbor

At the beginning of August, an annual event took place: the Wickford Yacht Club Cruise. This highly anticipated club event is a week long trip taken by WYC members, as we all chug along together, under power, sail, or power-sail, to various locations along the southern New England coast. In the past, from what my parents have recalled, the cruise took years to leave Narragansett Bay and for quite...

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