Photography Journal — Sunset RSS


The off season brings opportunities for clear waters, clear haze free skies, and low light scenis shooting. As I get into my full swing for off season seascape shooting, I thought I'd share some of my panoramics from last year! These are my favorite seascapes dating from last October-December, and I'm sure you'll recognize some beloved Rhode Island landmarks like Beavertail and the Narragansett...

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Bringing Back the Hipstamatic!

For any of you with an iPhone or pretty much any smart phone with a decent camera, you've probably started to replace your old point and shoots with your phone, and not with horrible results either! I upgraded to the world of smart phones several months ago and have found myself completely captivated by the numerous camera apps. Two popular ones in particular are Hipstamatic and Instagram for...

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Charming Wickford

Oh little Wickford, oh charming little Wickford.  Sadly there was no snow to pretty you up this winter (so far), but we still had those little twinkling lights!  Now those little lights are coming down but the charm will always remain.  Hopefully this new year some of those empty storefronts will be filled again with new entrepreneurial prospects, but you will always be charming regardless!

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From the RI Coast

More images from the beautiful Rhode Island coast, some sunsets and some activity out on the water! Took my camera out two days in a row, two windy days, and captured some sunsets and windsurfing and kitesurfing. It was quite the showing for the recreational folks, I counted about a dozen kite surfers on day one, with almost as many windsurfers. Day two there was still quite a showing, although...

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After the Rain

I have to say I love a good rain, and Little Rhody saw some torrential downpours last week. First there was the 40 ft. visibility fog, then the light rain, then the skies opened up for about half an hour, only to clear out just in time for a gorgeous sunset! I grabbed my camera and went out to get some pictures during the wonderfully wicked New England weather. It's been a busy weekend so just...

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