Photography Journal — Lensbaby RSS

(Not) Surf // Winter Storm Toby

When everyone heard there was another nor'easter on the way, only a couple weeks after Winter Storm Riley which delivered both damaging winds and amazing surf, there was a rush to buy bread and milk and prepare for the worst. To say Toby underdelivered here in Rhode Island would be an understatement. We got light rains, some decent winds, but not the forecasted 12–18 inches of snow or double...

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Wickford Doors in the Snow

Most people dread snow. Snow means cold weather, shoveling, sloppy roads, and salt stains on your boots. But I've been waiting for it! The couple of snows we've had this winter have been fluffy and coupled with heavy winds. These storms produced wind blistered faces and tall snow drifts, not the gentle sticky stuff that makes the world beautifully quiet and picturesque. But this time, just as we...

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Photographer's FAQ: Lenses

So I've talked about what cameras I use, but there's another component to my equipment.What lenses do you use?I have a camera kit that currently employs all Nikon Nikkor brand lenses. I figure if I'm going to buy glass, I should get the best kind I can, take care of it, and pay for it once. There are other good off-brand lenses out there such as Tamron and Sigma, but like I said, I just went for...

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Unexpected stop: Lake Tashmoo

While the rest of Wickford Yacht Club soaked up Cuttyhunk harbor and set sail for Vineyard Haven, we decided to make a slightly early departure for Martha's Vineyard and stop in at Lake Tashmoo.  Located right before the turn into West Chop at Vineyard Haven, this lake was well hidden along the Vineyard coastline.  We took our time through the calm seas and motored most of the morning due to light...

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Nemo, Meet Lensbaby

We were spoiled with our unseasonably warm January. Mother Nature decided to greet New England and the coastal communities with a historic blizzard for February instead! With record breaking snowfall in some areas, and hurricane force winds at times, Rhode Island saw about 2 feet of snow in most places! I don't remember having this much snow on the ground since I was a little kid and 1 foot of...

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