Photography Journal — travel RSS

First Days in Baja

Here begins the epic tales of a trip to Baja California Sur and Los Cabos of Mexico!  A trip planned since late last year that finally became a reality for myself and my boyfriend early this March.  See the photos on my website under Baja Expeditions and continue following the blog for stories about the trip.  All images on the website are available as Fine Art Prints.Day 1: Arrival – San Jose del...

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From the Archives: Spanish Coast

I have all of these pictures from 2009 that I don't think I ever properly gone through. Gigs and gigs of photos from a trip to Spain with my photography class just after my sophomore year at Fitchburg State. It was a 3 week trip that essentially transplanted our photography class from Masschusetts to Barcelona. The same classmates, the same professor, the same cameras, and some of even the same...

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