Photography Journal — water panning RSS

Dusky Abstracts

It can be hard to give new life to an ongoing project. You might put it on the back burner and forget about it for a while... or it might become so routine you aren't inspired anymore. With my abstract seascape series I find myself going out at similar times of day, with similar weather conditions, and coming back with similar shots. It can be difficult to put a new twist on a body of work. You...

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More Winter Surf - February Swell

Surf in Rhode Island doesn't kick up often, but in the winter months... when it does... it's usually BIG! This February was no exception as we experienced snow after snow, then an arctic blast below freezing immediately followed by 50° temperatures. The waves came roaring in just after the chill and the ocean put on quite the show. For those lucky enough to have the day off work (or perhaps call...

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Playing with Water - New Abstracts

Winter's finally here! We were spoiled into thinking El Nino had completely run the winter weather out of town, but as we get into the end of January it's very clear that the brisk New England winter has arrived, however late. On a rather beautiful sunny winter weekend I found myself walking along Hull's Cove in Jamestown, a lesser known spot facing due south out towards the open ocean. I hadn't...

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Green Hill Abstracts on a Gray Day

This past February, as we were bombarded with cold and snow, there was one day in particular that reached 45 and sunny.  My first thought was "Go to the beach!"  I wasn't going to the beach for a day of sunning and swimming, but for some shooting.  It was the first day when one jacket was enough and you could stay outside for over 20 minutes without fear of frostbite.It started as gray and...

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Matunuck in the Cold

This winter has been a winter of record for New England. Boston and the Cape have been hammered by feet upon feet of snow. Down here in Rhode Island we're battling cold weather and wind every other day. Old Man Winter wasn't about to let up, so it was time to pile on the layers and make an attempt to photograph some of this spectacular weather. It's hard to get motivated in temperatures hovering...

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