Photography Journal — castle hill light RSS

Lighthouses of RI // Lessons in Composition

I recently had the privilege of hosting my first photography tour through Local Captures, a platform built on connecting photographers and photography enthusiasts for tours and workshops throughout New England. Local Captures focuses on utilizing tour guides with local knowledge to help travelers (and locals) make the most of new locations, while gaining confidence and technique for their...

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Finding a New Angle: Castle Hill

Epiphany #1:  I have purchased all my filters to fit my 16-35mm lens.  They are 72mm filters and for the longest time I thought my 70-200mm lens was sized for 77mm.  But I was wrong.  Both of my lenses take a 72mm thread size which means I can easily switch between lenses and continue with my long exposure photography!Epiphany #2: So that just left the question of where to utilize my telephoto...

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Accepted Work: Art of the Ocean State

Wickford was very busy this past weekend with it's annual Art Festival. I did not get a chance to go this year, but it was probably overflowing with great talent and enthusiastic crowds as usual! The Wickford Art Association, the hosting party, also held a call for entry for it's summer show "Art of the Ocean State", which I eagerly submitted work for. I'm happy to report that all three of my...

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