Photography Journal — fine art RSS


I am a traditionally trained photographer, having spent my first years with film cameras and hidden away in darkrooms developing prints. I truly adore and admire the analog processes that may be slipping away from us, and the black and white medium. But every now and again color remains too distracting and a black and white counterpart comes up lacking. I have never done sepia printing, but I was...

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More Summer Holgas

Hurricane, Nor'easter, first snow... We've had a rough transition into November and I'm sure everyone can feel winter around the corner. I've been breaking out winter coats and boots, but I long for the warm summer weather. Well, in the spirit of warmer weather and summer sunshine I took a look back at some of the Holga film I took towards the end of the summer. Although all three of these frames...

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Summer Holgas

I shot several rolls of film between May and August this summer, and I have to say I was pretty happy with the results! Anyone who has read previous posts may remember I wanted to put the mask back in my Holga to prevent too much light leak and lens flare. Although it was pretty cool and lo-fi at times, I wasn't 100% thrilled with the effect, especially when using color film which just resulted in...

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Lotuses in Bloom

Every summer brings a pleasant little surprise to the residents of North Kingstown. Along Boston Neck Road is a small little pond. I'm not talking about the large pond that runs along Annaquatucket and under the road, but it's neighboring little little pond, about 30 feet or so in diameter. It is full of Lotus flowers and every summer in the high heat they bloom for a very short period of time....

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