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Two Days at Brenton Point

There are a couple of items necessary to capture long exposures, first is dim lighting conditions. We can't control the sun but we can control when we go shooting, so for dimmer light I go on overcast and cloudy days and during dusk hours around sunrise and sunset. Along with a carefully picked time of day, I also go into the field with a couple of filters known as Neutral Density Filters, which...

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Sachuest Point at Sunset

Well here it is, my second attempt at a seascape at Sachuest Point.  And this time I went for a sunset instead of sunrise, so I was able to navigate the terrain in bright sunlight in order to find my preferred photo spot!  Of course it was high tide, which posed a problem, and it was an incoming tide with high surf from a low pressure system swirling somewhere offshore.  I walked all the way to...

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I've been thinking about producing a new photobook for a few months now. I've been very happy with some of the work produced this summer and my new seascapes, and I really wanted to incorporate them into an approachable medium before the year was out. The answer: a softcover photobook offering over 20 pages of wonderful photography in an non-intimidating and nicely portable 7x7" medium. I put...

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More Summer Holgas

Hurricane, Nor'easter, first snow... We've had a rough transition into November and I'm sure everyone can feel winter around the corner. I've been breaking out winter coats and boots, but I long for the warm summer weather. Well, in the spirit of warmer weather and summer sunshine I took a look back at some of the Holga film I took towards the end of the summer. Although all three of these frames...

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Shooting through Darkness

Night is always so mysterious, especially the darkest nights when the moon is absent. I've always been intrigued by night time shooting. I idolize and admire the galactic photographers capturing incredible images of the night sky and Milky Way from the remote regions of desert where light pollution cannot reach. Those pictures always make you stop and stare, thinking about life elsewhere in the...

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