Well we weren't able to avoid the fog. We motored all morning from Galilee to Stonington. We had high hopes of the fog lifting, but of course it didn't until we were secured to a mooring. It was a quiet day in Stonington harbor, mostly spent swimming off the boat and cruising around in the dinghy for a little harbor tour! In the evening, we made it onto land for a terrific shower and some ice...
So this part of the Cruise has an interesting story attached... and I'm not sure if I should call this the Second Port of Call? It wasn't on the itinerary, more of an emergency stop...Well anyway, after waking up at the crack of dawn from Dutch Harbor, we set off out of Narragansett Bay and turned West towards our next scheduled stop: Stonington, CT. The fog was some of the thickest I had seen in...
Just one great event after another this summer! The America's Cup in town, and now the Tall Ships just after the Fourth of July. That's right, the Tall Ships Festival was in Newport this past weekend, and certainly made it difficult to get to downtown Newport within a reasonable time frame. The streets were packed with families, visitors and even locals checking out the festivities and old ships...