Photography Journal — seascape RSS

Wickford Harbor

We all take things for granted, and photographically I never seem to go walking through my hometown and Wickford Village. So a couple of times this spring I got out there, just to shoot Wickford. There wasn't a big plan or much time involved, but it was a start! The first frame was on the way home from a regatta. The clouds were rolling in and as I watched it all develop I got off the highway one...

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Beavertail Sunrise

Beavertail commands attention.  Visited by locals and tourists alike, this rocky point of land provides stunning views to the east, west, and south with sprawling expanses of ocean and views of Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay.  The lighthouse provides a beautiful backdrop to the rocky cliffs and it's hard to visit this spot solitarily due to it's endless popularity.I have been visiting this spot...

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A View from Jamestown

I've been a slacker lately, getting distracted and not doing the one thing a photographer is supposed to do: take photographs. So one afternoon after some rain moved out, the sun was peaking out from beneath the cloud cover and suddenly a sunset shoot looked like a promising venture! I've explored lots of coastline in South County, but I hadn't been exploring much of the Jamestown coastline next...

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New Kind of Water Panning

I wanted to try something new.  I came across work by notable photographers Morgan Maasen and Katherine Gendreau and they were doing something a little bit different with their seascapes.  They were panning horizontally across the horizon, blurring everything but maintaining a sense of color, ambience and environment.  I wanted to try it.So on one cloudy and nondescript early spring day, I found...

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Long exposures in Narragansett

The hardest part of long exposure shooting is predicting the weather. I'm constantly looking at weather forecasts, watching the cloud cover on satellite maps, and hoping that when I drive half an hour south the sky will somewhat resemble what I'm seeing out my window at home. I prefer shooting sunsets compared to sunrise because you can watch the weather develop as the day progresses. Is that rain...

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