Photography Journal — teleconverter RSS

Surfing Nadine at Point Judith

Hurricane Nadine came to town!  And although she didn't leave too too much rain, she passed some heavy breezes, overcast skies, and storm swell our way while she churned offshore.  I headed over to Point Judith again to get shots of the waves and surfers.  I'm starting to get much more comfortable with my new Nikon TC-20e IIIteleconverter, both during shooting and editing. I went to Point Judith...

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Isaac & Leslie Storm Swell

It was about the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Irene, and after some talk of another storm reaching New England, we didn't get any real stormy weather but we did get the first storm swell of the season! Surfers took to the water as Hurricane Isaace and Leslie kicked up some surf early September. I went down to Narragansett Beach for the remnants of Isaac's swell, and then to Point Judith...

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