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(Not) Surf // Winter Storm Toby

When everyone heard there was another nor'easter on the way, only a couple weeks after Winter Storm Riley which delivered both damaging winds and amazing surf, there was a rush to buy bread and milk and prepare for the worst. To say Toby underdelivered here in Rhode Island would be an understatement. We got light rains, some decent winds, but not the forecasted 12–18 inches of snow or double...

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Spring Sailing with NKHSST

Late March... it's technically spring but days like these would probably fool you into thinking it was winter. High School sailing is almost a month into its short season and my alma mater and local team from North Kingstown was out making the best of a particularly chilly March afternoon. No warm sun but luckily no snow or freezing rain either. This team was already undefeated in the few events...

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Green Hill Surf through Fog and Mist

Gray and cold, gray and cold... will there be no relief?  Some more snow might help spice things up!  I don't mind snow when it's bitterly cold outside.  We did get an entire week of unseasonal 50 degree weather, though, and I found myself heading down to Green Hill (again) to catch some of the winter storm surf that was rolling up the coast.  It was incredibly foggy, more-so on this day in...

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Ruggles - Last Swell of 2013

Just before the new year, some swell arrived. Brought on by a cold storm this time, instead of the warm tropical moisture that had been visiting regularly all November and part of December. It was the weather just before the Polar Vortex decided to sit on most of North America. It wasn't 0° with wind chill around -56° but it was still cold and windy! I was down on the beach at the surf spot known...

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Water Panning Green Hill & Gansett

After my first successful attemptat this water panning technique, I set my sights on other beaches to try out this new found interest. First up was Green Hill, the southern shore that plays host to so many of my winter seascapes! It was a golden afternoon with broken clouds slowing moving in from the west. I played with the water as the sun sank lower and moved over to some buried driftwood (which...

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