Photography Journal — night RSS

Moonrise and Sunrise

I recently attended a seminar by photographer Jennifer Wu, landscape and astral photographer from Sacramento. And I was inspired! I have always admired night photography, and with my new found comfort with long exposure I figured now is as good a time as any to go and give it a whirl. I had tried casually a couple times before, but this time I did my research about the moonrise, the weather,...

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Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!I recently made a pit stop on the way home from Newport to photograph a local spot lit up every year by christmas lights and always visible from the Newport Bridge during holiday season! This private dock is decorated by a Newport homeowner happy to light up the night. I met the owner who mentioned he also installed port and starboard lights this year for those...

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Shooting through Darkness

Night is always so mysterious, especially the darkest nights when the moon is absent. I've always been intrigued by night time shooting. I idolize and admire the galactic photographers capturing incredible images of the night sky and Milky Way from the remote regions of desert where light pollution cannot reach. Those pictures always make you stop and stare, thinking about life elsewhere in the...

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Second Day in Mystic

Day two in Mystic was just as enjoyable as day one! My boyfriend and I spent a good part of the day walking around the seaport and checking out what the museum had to offer, including the figureheads gallery, the Charles Morgan Restoration project, the junior sailing program, the old fishing vessels, not to mention the awesome Rosenfeld Collection. One of the premier nautical photographers,...

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Second Port of Call: Stonington

Well we weren't able to avoid the fog. We motored all morning from Galilee to Stonington. We had high hopes of the fog lifting, but of course it didn't until we were secured to a mooring. It was a quiet day in Stonington harbor, mostly spent swimming off the boat and cruising around in the dinghy for a little harbor tour! In the evening, we made it onto land for a terrific shower and some ice...

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