Photography Journal — Wickford Yacht Club RSS

WYC Cruise: First Stop, Dutch Harbor

At the beginning of August, an annual event took place: the Wickford Yacht Club Cruise. This highly anticipated club event is a week long trip taken by WYC members, as we all chug along together, under power, sail, or power-sail, to various locations along the southern New England coast. In the past, from what my parents have recalled, the cruise took years to leave Narragansett Bay and for quite...

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Wednesday Night Sailing Draws to a Close

We've been pretty lucky all summer with regards to weather.  Overall it's been dry and comfortably warm.  I'm having a hard time recalling any nights it was too hot to get to sleep, or too many days it was blisteringly hot.  We've had strings of thunderstorms, true, but still I would say it's been really dry (as I think back to the wettest summer on record a few years back).Wednesday Night Racing...

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Wed Night Racing - Breezy this time

Finally made it back out on the water again! After a two week absence due to my busy busy shooting schedule, I finally made it back out for Wednesday Night Racing. And this time, there was some breeze! Compared to the very light conditions the past two times I made it to racing, this night had a decent sea breeze, probably about 12 knots at times. Everyone was bracing for stronger breeze and...

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Another Wednesday Night

Wednesday Night Racing out of Wickford Harbor!  I look forward to this gathering of friends, family, and sailors just about every week!  Compared to the previous week of heavy fog, this evening proved to be gorgeous with a wonderfully golden sun and a light breeze.  I was out sailing on Papaagain with my parents and some friends. We didn't have the best start, but held as much of our position as...

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Wednesday Nights off to the Races

Oh Summer... bringer of hot sunny days, beach weather, wicked storms, tourists, and an all around enjoyable time of year to spend outside with friends and family. Did I mention Summer as the busy season for New England sailors and boaters? Not only do the weekend warriors come in droves to fish and crowd the bay, but dozens of sailing groups, small and large alike, formal clubs as well as casual...

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