About a month ago Sail Newport hosted a national college sailing event out of Fort Adams, the ICSA LaserPerformance Singlehanded Championship. This event hosted college sailors from across the nation as they competed in cold and wind for the women's and men's division trophies. It was early November but it was one of the first truly brisk days of the season, with temps barely reaching the 40s and...
Winter storms and winter swell means cold days at the beach for me and cold days in the water for water sports enthusiasts like Andrew, here. New Englanders are interestingly adapted to sports of every season, from the warm summer days of sun and small swell, to the winter days of 50 something degree water, 7mm wetsuits, and heavy storm breezes. This day in particular was one of the windiest I had...
I didn't want my winter photography to become stale. As exciting as it is getting up before the sun in the dead of winter, I needed a new project to work on. After seeing photography of individuals like David Orias and Bryce Johnson, I came across a photographic technique that piqued my interest. This is called water panning, where the camera moves for a fraction of a second with the wave as it...
So I've talked about what cameras I use, but there's another component to my equipment.What lenses do you use?I have a camera kit that currently employs all Nikon Nikkor brand lenses. I figure if I'm going to buy glass, I should get the best kind I can, take care of it, and pay for it once. There are other good off-brand lenses out there such as Tamron and Sigma, but like I said, I just went for...
So at the beginning of September I was invited to shoot the Bullseye National Regatta hosted out of Saunderstown Yacht Club here on Narragansett Bay. Bullseyes are the fiberglass equivalent of the Herreshoff 12 1/2, wonderful little daysailers with a competitive edge. After some rainy weather, the sky cleared up for a wonderfully warm and sunny weekend of sailing! It was most likely the last...