Photography Journal — 16-35mm RSS

The Power of Long Exposure

There's a couple of reasons why I love long exposure photography.  It forces you to take your time.  It softens elements like water in a way that makes them gentle and approachable.  It also enhances the color of a frame.  Even if the color of the scene is hard to see with our human eyes, somehow colors are boosted and saturated as the camera shutter stays open longer. While on a recent shoot to...

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Sakonnet, Reacquainted

I have a long "To Do List" of things to shoot and places to go. It's a self assigned Project List to keep me busy and preoccupied during the winter months. One of the items on this list has been to photograph more Rhode Island Lighthouses and to visit Sakonnet Point. I hadn't visited Sakonnet since my junior sailing days back in high school when a couple of Laser events were hosted out of Sakonnet...

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Early Morning Chill

It's been a chilly December thus far, and luckily we've actually had some snow! I have a hard time appreciating frigid conditions unless there is some fluffy white snow to beautify the scenery. While it's only been a couple of dustings so far, I'm still glad to have a proper winter compared to a couple years ago when there was no snow to speak of. I made my way to a couple of Wickford locations...

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Seascapes & Selections

One of my biggest challenges has been critical selection. Too often I will take dozens of shots during a shoot, completely enthralled by the light and compositions, when I really only set out to capture one or two frames. And then, back in the editing room, I struggle to pick out just a couple of final shots. Sometimes I'll come away with 5 shots that should really have been narrowed down to one,...

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Water Panning Green Hill & Gansett

After my first successful attemptat this water panning technique, I set my sights on other beaches to try out this new found interest. First up was Green Hill, the southern shore that plays host to so many of my winter seascapes! It was a golden afternoon with broken clouds slowing moving in from the west. I played with the water as the sun sank lower and moved over to some buried driftwood (which...

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